Request a Proposal From a Trusted Pennsylvania Reserve Study Specialist (RS™)
Why use someone else to prepare your Reserve Study when Kipcon’s President Mitch Frumkin, PE, RS, led the national task force which developed the National Reserve Study Standards of the Community Associations Institute.

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Request a Reserve Study Proposal
As the leading provider of reserve studies, we understand the importance of establishing adequate reserve funding for your community association. Our team of Reserve Specialists at Kipcon are experts in preparing reserve studies in Pennsylvania. We provide comprehensive and customized solutions to help your community effectively manage its reserve funds. With our in-depth knowledge of local regulations and best practices, we will guide you in making informed decisions to maintain and enhance the property value of your community.
Kipcon’s president Mitchell H. Frumkin, PE, RS, led the national task force which both developed and updated the Reserve Study Standards of the Community Associations Institute and continues to be a leader in the Reserve Study space. Community associations of all sizes trust Kipcon to prepare personalized Reserve Studies which provide for adequate funding without overfunding.